Holly Hell! The shit has hit the fan!
When I last posted we were just getting sight of the Coronavirus and cases were popping up in Seattle and NYC. But you could tell the fire was lit. I had a neighbor in St Louis who came into the country and was tested positive but in the time before they got results had gone to a school dance and god knows where in town before they finally went into quarantine.
Less than a dozen cases on the St Louis area. I took that as a sign it was time to go home and sit this out until things got better. They have gotten worse and now people are getting antsy and are breaking quarantine. I believe the shit is really about to hit the fan in ways we have not imagined. This is not a cold virus. Not even close.
The way it infects and the damage it appears to do is unlike and influenza virus we have ever seen. It's also unlike a slew of other pandemics of the past in that there seems to be no acquired immunity! This makes a cure very difficult.
Anyway, my dilemma is I have a work apartment in St Louis where there are currently 1000 cases, 50 dead and no recoveries. My lease is ending, and I need to get there and empty the apartment and come home with a trailer. I'm not worried about the drive or my apartment but the complex I live in is international and the infection risk is high.
So, I am planning the trip with my daughter. We'll stop in Colorado as usual. I will be taking pictures of life in quarantine, and we will be taking all precautions including bringing food and sanitizer. (maybe even a porta-potty)
We completed the trip emptying the apartment leaving only a few items to startup another apartment when the coast is clear. Meantime we are locked down here in Nevada staying safe and away from others. We'll be social distancing while scouting for this hunting season.
Cya ... or not
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