Corona Hell!

What a year so far. I'm working another year on a contract that has me traveling a lot in the midwest. So I have an apartment here I travel to and stay in for weeks at a time. Its a central base for the work I do in NJ, Chicago and St Louis. All are under 10 hours to drive to so I can cut back on flying and I love my trips back to my home in Nevada near Carson City.
This year I have driven through 2 blizzards, been rerouted across 2 states dues to highway closures and its looking like it will be a chilly drive across this time too. But that is nothing. Living in New England for 40 years seasoned me to white knuckle driving. But all the weather pales to this trip challenge. The Corona Virus pandemic.

I have been in the middle of some really big Hyper Converged hardware installs in 2 states so I have tried not to panic about this but last nights declaration of emergency was a game changer. It's time to get out. Back home to my wife and family. There are no huge outbreaks in my path at the moment and I have been in self quarantine for 2 week just because of my medical condition with some scaring from 2 previous bouts with pneumonia.

So I am packing up and shutting down the apartment for the next month. Of course as luck would have it the weather is trying to delay my departure. I have to head to Sam's because there is no toilet paper in the the Washoe valley. I'm thinking I'll load up on TP and sell it for $5 a roll when I get to Reno. Yesterday as I was coming up from getting main I saw a woman struggling to get her pull wagon full of toilet paper. I could not help busting out with a laugh. I could not help it.

So perhaps today if all goes well with shopping, packing and weather I'll be headed home early tomorrow morning and be in Denver by evening.

Here are some photos from my last 6 months of travel. Some at home some on the road...


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